
Welcome to the Fertility Shelf!

 Hello and welcome to The Fertility Shelf!  I'm Bri and I will be your ferti-librarian (it's okay- you can go ahead and groan at that terrible wordplay). I have been on the TTC (trying to conceive) journey for 5 years myself. I'll tell you more about my journey later, but for now, let me just say that I have seen it all! And I'm guessing that if you have found your way here, you have seen a thing or two as well. There is so much information thrown at you during this time, it can be very overwhelming. As a librarian, I turned to books to help me make sense of everything (when I wasn't going down the Google rabbit hole!). There are so many great ones out there, as well as other tools such as blogs and podcasts. My goal with starting this blog is to curate a collection of resources for people on the fertility journey in once space so they are easy to find. There are so many different avenues and topics covered under "fertility", and it is my hope that I can m
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